After a good rest and sound sleep over the night, we took off from Pipalkote, to Joshimath. We were asked to report at the parking spot where our coach was left, precisely at 5.30 am. After a refreshing bath & hot coffee we boarded the bus which started immediately. I was hoping for a glorious mountain sunrise, as it was so early in the morning. But then as per Murphy's law, I was sitting exactly at the opposite side, plus the peaks of the mountains hardly revealed any rays of the rising sun. As I was looking out the window watching the beautiful mountain scenery that started slowly showing up like magic from the light of the dawn, I saw the setting moon smiling at me. Oh gosh!!..how did I miss it, in my greed to snap the sunrise, I totally failed to notice another beaut of the nature. Cursing myself for being so ignorant, I switched on the camera, and as I got ready to shoot the moon, the bus was taking a turn to the other side ( again Murphy's law).. still I managed to make a few clicks. But then, it is the crappiest shot ..So what..The place, The Himalayas, the time, morning 5.30, and the shot - from highly jerky bus that was ascending- makes this photo a Special.