May 1st. Holiday, but falls on a Sunday, disappointing the 'hard working' laborers!!. Well now thats not the point I am gonna write abt. It is abt the TV prog that has been much hyped since last week and eventually got telecast on that day. Wow..what a tribute to the working class. It is some so called cultural extravaganza conducted in Dubai. Only thing missing in the prog was the 'culture'. A Lady Ga ga & Jennifer Lopez will be put to shame , had they happen to watch it.. such was the 'quality' of the dancers. No doubt they were all talented..in stripping & shaking of course. The irony is, all males were buttoned up to the throat!!..the so called 'tamiz kalacharam' was very well portraited by these dancers..and I couldnt understand the need for a singer to expose the legs and back!!!.she wasnt d

ancing (thank God, for it would've been quite a sight had she chose to!) just standing in front of the mike and singing along with a partner. Look at the dress she was wearing!!!..and the angle of camera. Oh Modesty Where Hast
Thou Gone? Should one lower to this level, may be I am wrong here for they do it willingly..Ok the moral police of Tamilnadu are effective only locally I presume. Remember the Sreya furor??..she was an actor associated with glamor and showbiz.. yet she was not spared. Anyway, the trend nowadays is to sit and watch some buxom extras shaking their hips for some vulgar lyrics. The CM of the state himself is a great fan of such shows and stays put till the end of the prog generally!!.Long live the great culture propagators . Bless their service.