Witnesses described the gunmen as young men in their 20s dressed as typical Mumbai youths in jeans and t-shirts. The government alleges they were members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, a banned Islamist terror

On Wednesday, November 26,the men reached the luxury five-star hotel, the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, by around 10 pm where they entered through the lightly guarded back entrance, slaughtering a guard and sniffer dog. Within hours the building, a Mumbai landmark, was ablaze. Terror attacks took place in 10 places across Mumbai.Apart from Taj, Hostages were held at Trident hotel, Cama hospital and Nariman house. By day 2 at least 76 dead, 110 were injured.Army was called out in Mumbai. They stormed the Taj hotel and taken position at Trident hotel. Deccan Mujahideen, a very little known outfit claimed responsibility for the attack.Five columns of army, 200 NSG commandos were called to tackle the situation.

Fourteen police officers, including the chief of the anti-terror squad, were among those killed in the attacks. The loss of innocent lives can never be compensated.
The nightmare is over, but the impact will take a long time to subside. Blaming a particular religion is not going to help in anyway, and I think we must find some means to stop the funding of the outfits that
train these lads. If we work in that line, taking the Pakisthan also on our side perhaps such tragedy may be averted in future. Hatred breeds more hatred and as we blame the oridinary Muslims, the real culprit under the mask will thrive and slid through. Once the pride of India's financial capital, it is now also a symbol of the failure of its government to take adequate steps to protect its citizens from terrorism.
